Resultado da promoçõ PIORSKI
27. 08. 10
Sem mais delongas quem ganhou foi
Já te mandei e-mail viu, se você não responder em 48 horas, o sorteio será refeito!!!
A todos que participaram, obrigadaa
jajá teremos mais!!!
Aproveita pra participar do sorteio de um kit balada que acaba hoje!!
Comentários via Facebook
I must declare, as much as I enjoyed reading what you had to say, I couldnt help but lose focus after a while. Its as if you had a awesome grasp on the subject matter, but you forgot to include your us your readers. Perhaps you should think about this from far more than one angle. Or maybe you shouldnt generalize so considerably. Its better if you think about what others may have to say instead of just going for a gut reaction to the subject. Think about adjusting your own belief process and giving others who may read this the benefit of the doubt.
É a primeira vez que ganho um sorteio… fiquei muito feliz!!!
Que legal, parabéns para ela 😉